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ComponentsInteractive Image Selector

Interactive Image Selector

Select images by clicking on them, delete selected images using the trash icon, and reset the gallery with the refresh button. Inspired by the smooth and intuitive photo gallery experience of iPhones, this interface features seamless animations for an engaging user experience.

Art Gallery
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7
Image 8
Image 9
Image 10
Image 11
Image 12


Install with shadcn Beta


npx shadcn@latest add "https://smoothui.dev/r/interactive-image-selector.json"

Manual install


npm install motion lucide-react


"use client"

import { useCallback, useState } from "react"
import Image from "next/image"
import { Share2, Trash2 } from "lucide-react"
import { AnimatePresence, motion } from "motion/react"

const pinkArt =

const orangePurpleArt =

const orangeArt =

const blueArt =

interface ImageData {
  id: number
  src: string

const initialImages: ImageData[] = [
  { id: 1, src: blueArt },
  { id: 2, src: pinkArt },
  { id: 3, src: orangeArt },
  { id: 4, src: orangePurpleArt },
  { id: 5, src: blueArt },
  { id: 6, src: pinkArt },
  { id: 7, src: orangeArt },
  { id: 8, src: pinkArt },
  { id: 9, src: orangePurpleArt },
  { id: 10, src: pinkArt },
  { id: 11, src: orangeArt },
  { id: 12, src: blueArt },

const imageMap = new Map(initialImages.map((img) => [img.id, img]))

export default function InteractiveImageSelector() {
  const [images, setImages] = useState<number[]>(
    initialImages.map((img) => img.id)
  const [selectedImages, setSelectedImages] = useState<number[]>([])
  const [isSelecting, setIsSelecting] = useState(false)

  const handleImageClick = useCallback(
    (id: number) => {
      if (!isSelecting) return
      setSelectedImages((prev) =>
        prev.includes(id) ? prev.filter((imgId) => imgId !== id) : [...prev, id]

  const handleDelete = useCallback(() => {
    setImages((prev) => prev.filter((id) => !selectedImages.includes(id)))
  }, [selectedImages])

  const handleReset = useCallback(() => {
    setImages(initialImages.map((img) => img.id))
  }, [])

  const toggleSelecting = useCallback(() => {
    setIsSelecting((prev) => !prev)
    if (isSelecting) setSelectedImages([])
  }, [isSelecting])

  return (
    <div className="relative flex h-full w-full max-w-[500px] flex-col justify-between p-4">
      <div className="pointer-events-none absolute inset-x-0 top-0 z-10 h-28 bg-linear-to-b from-black/20 to-transparent dark:from-black/50"></div>
      <div className="absolute top-5 right-5 left-5 z-20 flex justify-between p-4">
          whileHover={{ scale: 1.05 }}
          whileTap={{ scale: 0.95 }}
          className="bg-light-50/20 cursor-pointer rounded-full px-3 py-1 text-sm font-semibold text-white bg-blend-luminosity backdrop-blur-xl"
          aria-label="Reset selection"
          className="bg-light-50/20 cursor-pointer rounded-full px-3 py-1 text-sm font-semibold text-white bg-blend-luminosity backdrop-blur-xl"
          aria-label={isSelecting ? "Cancel selection" : "Select images"}
          {isSelecting ? "Cancel" : "Select"}
      <div className="absolute top-16 right-5 left-5 z-20 flex justify-between p-4">
        <div className="flex items-center gap-2">
          <span className="text-2xl font-bold text-white">Art Gallery</span>
      <motion.div className="grid grid-cols-3 gap-1 overflow-scroll" layout>
          {images.map((id) => {
            const image = imageMap.get(id)
            if (!image) return null

            return (
                initial={{ opacity: 0, scale: 0.8 }}
                animate={{ opacity: 1, scale: 1 }}
                exit={{ opacity: 0, scale: 0.8 }}
                transition={{ type: "spring", stiffness: 300, damping: 25 }}
                className="relative aspect-square cursor-pointer"
                onClick={() => handleImageClick(image.id)}
                  alt={`Image ${image.id}`}
                  className={`h-full w-full rounded-lg object-cover ${
                    selectedImages.includes(image.id) && isSelecting
                      ? "opacity-75"
                      : ""
                {isSelecting && selectedImages.includes(image.id) && (
                  <div className="absolute right-2 bottom-2 flex h-6 w-6 items-center justify-center rounded-full border border-white bg-blue-500 text-white">

        {isSelecting && (
            initial={{ opacity: 0, y: 20 }}
            animate={{ opacity: 1, y: 0 }}
            exit={{ opacity: 0, y: 20 }}
            className="bg-light-50/20 dark:bg-dark-50/20 absolute right-0 bottom-0 left-0 z-10 flex items-center justify-between p-4 bg-blend-luminosity backdrop-blur-xl"
            <button className="cursor-pointer text-blue-500">
              <Share2 size={24} />
            <span className="text-light-950 dark:text-dark-950">
              {selectedImages.length} selected
              className="cursor-pointer text-blue-500"
              disabled={selectedImages.length === 0}
              <Trash2 size={24} />